Sunday, May 27, 2007

More of Tobi's Wedding

More pictures of the wedding, including Tobi dancing with Scott, her dad, and her brother

Tobi's Wedding

b 1-4. Megan and Kyli respectively, getting hair done for the wedding.
5. Brandon is ready!
6. All the girls (and Clint) in Tobi's room getting ready. Tobi wanted her brother in there!
7.Scott waiting....
8. Brandon And Kyli walking down the isle.
9. Megan walking down the isle (she burst into tears right after this
10. CB walking his daughter down the isle (he had double duty)
11. CB telling Scott he still had time to jump off the dock
12. Ceremony
13. The boys..
14, The girls
15. Dad trying to hold it together
16. The VERY happy couple, Scott and Tobi Case

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Gall

So, the green thingy is a gall bladder, to which I no longer have. I am amazed at how many people do not have one any longer. This last Thursday, I was rolled out of my room at 9:00 am and was being rolled out of my room at 11:00 to go home! I was even in the Concession Stand a few hours Saturday. I did great, mainly because anesthesia does not make me sick. Anyway, I was totally released yesterday! I worked about 6 hours yesterday.
I had been aching (no pain) on my right side for months, but Mother's Day weekend it got somewhat worse. No vomiting, no fever, no real pain, just aching. But, I called one of my ER docs, and decided we could get the ball rolling quicker if I went in the ER, so I did. The ultrasound there was negative (no stones), so another test was ordered, which was positive, hence the surgery. The surgeon actually said I was very close to a big problem with it, so I am thankful I pushed it through. My MAIN goal was to be done and healed by this Sunday........leaving for Vegas with 12 other Burns family for vacation! YIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEE!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mom and Dad

These lovely people are my parents. Weren't they cute? Mom passed away in 1984 (the worst year of my life) and dad passed away in 1989. You think I look like either of them?

A side note, mom and dad divorced after my oldest brother, Joe Lee was born, dad went off to WWII, and when he came back, they remarried and had the rest of us. My brother Larry was born 9 months after he returned! I came along 7 years later, and Honey 22 months after me! Too bad I am the cutest sibling!!!!! :-)

HAVE I MENTIONED? The above mentioned siblings are ALL going to Vegas Memorial Day?

Friday, May 11, 2007

My Kids

This is a picture of my kids! Tobi is happier than I have seen her in YEARS! My grandkids seem happy too. As soon as I can, I will upload all the wedding pics.

I have been using Clint's desk for my desktop computer, and he needed it for school. I am NOT going to get on the floor and download pics, so as soon as I buy or borrow a desk, I will get busy! Until then, you must wait....

We have yet another wedding this Branson. CB is presiding, so we have to go Friday AND Saturday. And gas is over $3 a gallon?? What the heck!!??

We spent the evening last night with the Comstocks cleaning the Concession Stand. It opens NEXT weekend. But, even that was fun times together. We will put finishing touches next week!

Well, gotta get to work, because I need off early to go to Branson for the wedding rehearsal! OH! and almost 2 weeks before VACATION!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

MAY 2007

So glad warmer weather is here! But, this is such a busy month! We leave Friday for Stillwater for Tobi's wedding. I REALLY like Scott, her husband to be. And I will be so glad to see Brandon, Kyli and Megan. I will post pics when I return. Her wedding is at 8pm Saturday, and then we will stay a bit and head back. I have to be at Tan Tara at lake of the Ozarks by 9a on Sunday for our annual Missouri MGMA (Medical Group Management Association) conference, to which I am a Board member. So, I am part of the 'hosting' of this conference also. I should be back by dinnertime on Tuesday. Wednesday is church, and then Thursday, we HAVE to clean that concession stand. Friday, we have a rehearsal dinner, and then Saturday is the wedding of my secretary. The wedding is in Branson, and CB is officiating.

Oh, and did I tell you my family is taking their vacation together the last week in May? Well, we are, all my siblings and alot of their children (both my chillins' are going). And YIPPPEEEEE!! It is in Vegas. But, more on that later.

Well, enjoy the weather.