Well, I think alot of Springfield folks that read this blog will have the same or similar schedule I do for the next couple of weeks.....IT IS OZARKS EMPIRE FAIR TIME!!
I have completed my part of year end, AND got September schedule out (only to begin October!!). I have a Fair meeting today after church (for working the gates). Last night home is Monday night. Tues, I work all day, and then go out to the ER for the 5p to 1:30a shift. Praise Team rehearsal Wed, and then another Fair mtg Thur night (for Grand Stand [concerts] shifts). Fri night, work Grand Stand, Saturday, CB is helping with the Car Show at church, so I will work the Gate shift Sat night at the Fair. Work Grand Stand Monday, Gates Tuesday, Praise Team Wed, and Grand Stand Thur. Then Fri is my annual Fair night with some girlfriends from the ER. Sat, I work 1p to 7:30p in the ER.
Now, I also have to tell ya!! Have to have my cataract out!! It is very fast growing, so bad, I shouldn't be driving. Anyway, hope to get THAT taken care of the next weekend!!!
We spent Saturday checking our weekend schedules for various things, only to find, once again, most weekends are full from August to Christmas. Maybe 3 are open. We do count ourselves lucky to have a full life!
Anyhow, I have to go rest.......