Friday, February 02, 2007


With the holidays, the Ice Storm, and several church cancellations, I am so glad for blogs! And I am working in the ER Sunday, so I will miss seeing everyone and catching up this Sunday (SuperBowl Sunday) too. But thanks to most of you, I won't miss too much. Who thought blogs up anyway? I will miss seeing Oliver the most, so I guess I will just have to make a special trip over there!

What is going on with me? Work, work work! Capital Budget was completed this week, only to begin Operational budget next week. I will be requesting a full time secretary to relieve some workload. But have I said lately that I LOVE my job? Cuz I sure do!

Oh!!! And GOOD GRIEF!!!! I have a cataract! How can this be? For one thing, cataract equals OLD!!!!! And I am not old (or am I?). My kids are already checking out nursing homes. I told them to put me in a room right next to the activity area, as I do not want to miss a thing!!

Enough rambling from me this AM.

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