Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Have We Lost Our Minds??

Yes, I believe we have lost our mind. We being Charles and Toy, and Craig and Dana. We have agreed to run the 10th Inning 2007 Baseball Season.......CONCESSION STAND!! Like any of us NEED something more to do. But!! We committed, so there ya go. Season begins May 19th and ends the middle of July. It is only on Saturdays, and we really have what appears a GREAT group of volunteers. AND!! Mark Hillenblog PROMISED to take the weekend of FIREFALL! We CANNOT miss Firefall!! And, no games Memorial weekend. So see?? Already 2 down!! Actually, it should be loads of fun, and we don't plan on working it every weekend anyway! Still, did we get drugged or something??


hillenblogshappywife said...

hey toyhelen, jim lambeth and phil wilkerson both want to work the stand..they asked us to let you know.
also, when is Firefall?

ToyHelen said...

I think FireFall is the 30th

Anonymous said...

In my book, you were simply an answer to prayer, a huge blessing! It is going to be a great season. And, you get to hang out with me ALL DAY LONG! Good times to be had by all.

ToyHelen said...

Thanks Steph! Yes, we will have fun. You will need our phone numbers I bet!

LauraD said...

You guys are the best! We'll see you there!