I truly hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving. I am truly lucky, I will have ALL my kids here this HOLIDAY, arriving late on Thursday (8:30 p.m.). We will eat our feast late, but that means I can sleep in the morning!! But don't worry, I will be up in time for the PARADE!!!!
How nice of you to share a bit of your hectic (but fun) life, Toy! I hope you and your family have a wonderful time together...something we must never take for granted. I'll be spending my Thanksgiving holiday with my in-laws (my first ever) and that makes this Thanksgiving 2007 even more special. My mother-in-law is a WONDERFUL woman and she is just beside herself this year, knowing that Terry and I both have the holiday off and will be spending it with his side of the family. It's his first holiday with his family in 7 years. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people around me - at work and at home. I can't tell you how much I enjoy working for you and for St. John's. I must go, but I wanted to let you know I enjoyed your website and it's nice to know that you have so much fun in your spare time. Thank you and have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING. Who gets the wishbone? Brenda
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! I hope your turkey is big and your appetite even bigger. It's a great feeling to have the family gathered together at the same time, to share past memories and make new ones. I always pause for a moment and think of those people out there who don't have the blessings that we do - of family, friends, a warm home, and love that surrounds us from day-to-day. I will be spending my Thanksgiving holiday in Olathe, KS with my in-laws. This is the FIRST holiday we have spent with them since we've been married, and the first holiday Terry has been with his family in 7 years. He has had to work every holiday since starting at Cox, so this is an extra special treat for him. His mom is estatic, needless to say. We'll be eating turkey dinner with his folks, his brother, his only nephew and with his son and his new wife. This will be the first holiday I haven't spent with my family, and I'm sure they will miss me, as I have been the designated turkey carver for years. I'm sure they'll be fine though, someone else can claim the silver knife of honor this year!
I hope for everyone who travels, a safe journey to and fro, for all who have to remain on the job while we spend time with our family and friends, warm memories of Thanksgiving pasts to get them through the day, and I hope every single one of us in this country takes a moment to think about the real meaning of Thanksgiving and realize just how very blessed we are!
Brenda G
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