Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well, I finally went to the doctor yesterday about my dang right hip that has been hurting for months (it is hard to admit that SOMEONE is getting OLD). Anyway, after getting the diagnosis, and finding out what is going on, and getting an injection in the ole right hip, I sat down and just cried (from relief). I couldn't understand why stairs and long walks were so painful......

What is hip bursitis and what symptoms does it cause?
There are two major bursae of the hip, which can both be associated with stiffness and pain around the hip joint. The trochanteric bursa is located on the side of the hip. It is separated significantly from the actual hip joint by tissue and bone. Trochanteric bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip, making it difficult for patients to lie on the involved side, frequently making
sleep difficult. It also causes a dull, burning pain on the outer hip that is often made worse with excessive walking or stair climbing. The ischial bursa is located in the upper buttock area. It can cause dull pain in this area that is most noticeable climbing up hill.

I requested pool therapy, as I will win this battle, now that I know what I am battling!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!!!

Joe Lee

Anonymous said...

Yea, I am so glad you figured it out so you can get some relief.

Hillengrandma said...

Which one of these do you have? The Dr. at the pain center told me that the ischial was the bones you sit on at the bottom of the buttocks. He gave me injections in both sides in that area. It got soooo much better. I also have sacroiliac bursitis which is up about the middle of the hip. He gave me injections in that, too. I have had the trochanteric bursitis also, just didn't know what it was called until I saw your blog. Getting older is the pits, sometimes.. What doesn't hurt, doesn't work.Ha! Hope you are feeling better really soon.