Friday, May 08, 2009


Remember me? My name is Toy Helen!! First let me make this clear...I still want a Yorkie Girl Puppy! CB bought me a car 2 weeks ago, and I said thank you I love it, but...............

I went to my annual MGMA conference at Tan Tara the first of this week. I leave Sunday to help Sammye (my mother in law). She is having a total knee replacement, so I will be staying with her at the hospital. So, I have (well, HAD) 3 days to do 2 weeks of work. Not working out too well for me! And as I type this, those big storms are about to hit the area, and I sure don't want to get my cute car out in it. It is a 2008 white Impala LTZ!

The Emergency Department is busier than ever! And yes, everyone thinks they have the swine flu.

I want to plant flowers this weekend, but I am not sure I can squeeze that in. With the Arnolds and Comstocks tonight and tomorrow night we have a birthday party to go to, and I fly out Sunday at 3:30.

So, there you have it. I love my life, I love my husband, I love my job and I love my Saviour!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So we have a list of questions for anyone making a trip to jail. If they say "Yes" they have a cough AND they have the chills, we HAVE to take them to the hospital to be checked for swine flu. I'm sure you guys are much busier because of it, I know we are!
