Monday, August 09, 2010


Well. it is over. That house was just not meant to be. (Waaaahhhhhhhhh!!!) I know, my God is in charge!! There is another place, even better! This is CB's last week at work. He leaves Sunday for Texas. So this week is busy going through things, throwing away, discovering things we forgot we had.....I wish it wasn't so HOT! The heat drains me and I don't have the energy I usually have, and obviously, I need it!!!


Kathy said...

Hang in there. Moves are definitely not easy, but keep pushing on. You'll soon be with all your family! (By staying positive for you, it is easier to not feel sorry for me.) :(

Heidi said...

I wish I was there to help you move again...remember the move from here! You will be with your family soon...there is a better house...we have been there! Love you all