Monday, May 25, 2009


Poor CB. This was the second in what I am sure is a string of 'paybacks' from people! We came home from OK and found this in our yard! Last week, CB came home to find the living room and his chair covered in shredded paper! And his birthday is 12 days away! Poor CB.

We have had a GREAT weekend. CB was off all day Friday and I took half the day off and we went to OK to see the grandkids. It was a great visit. Sunday we went to the Arnolds with the Comstocks to eat and play games until almost midnight! And today!! Nothing! It is 8:15pm and I am still in my pjs!! Lazy girl!

SIX weeks until vacation! Going to Vegas with my siblings! This Saturday starts the weekly concession stand!

Hope your weekend was great. I am very mindful of the sacrifices many have made for our freedom. THANK YOU!

Friday, May 08, 2009


Remember me? My name is Toy Helen!! First let me make this clear...I still want a Yorkie Girl Puppy! CB bought me a car 2 weeks ago, and I said thank you I love it, but...............

I went to my annual MGMA conference at Tan Tara the first of this week. I leave Sunday to help Sammye (my mother in law). She is having a total knee replacement, so I will be staying with her at the hospital. So, I have (well, HAD) 3 days to do 2 weeks of work. Not working out too well for me! And as I type this, those big storms are about to hit the area, and I sure don't want to get my cute car out in it. It is a 2008 white Impala LTZ!

The Emergency Department is busier than ever! And yes, everyone thinks they have the swine flu.

I want to plant flowers this weekend, but I am not sure I can squeeze that in. With the Arnolds and Comstocks tonight and tomorrow night we have a birthday party to go to, and I fly out Sunday at 3:30.

So, there you have it. I love my life, I love my husband, I love my job and I love my Saviour!!