Monday, February 26, 2007

Valentine Party

Well, they (whoever THEY are) made me sign in to this new blogger. I am nervous, because the last time I did this, I lost everything. And I cannot log in to this new blogger thing with my desktop. But I am SURE Hillenblog will come over and help me!!! Especially since he talked us into MANAGING the concession stand this year for 10th Inning Kids!

Anyway, the above is pics from our Sunday School class party. We had such a good time.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Is this the cutest dog? He loves his dad, Clint!

A Busy Weekend

It was such a busy weekend, I didn't even talk to any family in Texas or Oklahoma! Now THAT is busy!

Worked Friday night until 7:30, then went to dinner with friends and then home. We caught up on the Thursday TV shows I taped because we went to Stained Glass Theater Thursday night, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Saturday we spent the day preparing for our class Valentine's Party at the church. It was good times. I will post pictures later, but you can visit Rachel Burch's blog (please reference "Old People's Class"). I know, it is painful to read that!! We had a great time, even played the newlywed game. We left that party and went to one of my docs' Tacky birthday party (that is what she named had to wear something tacky) at Millwood Country Club. We just stayed long enough for CB to eat, of course.

And Sundaywas full of church, lunch, nap and church. Other than my monthly Emergency Dept meeting this week, it is a pretty light week. Only to prepare for the following 2, which are crammed full. And looking ahead? Starting in April, every weekend has activities until the end of June! Crazy!

I will blog pictures of our banquet soon....I know you can't wait!

Friday, February 02, 2007


With the holidays, the Ice Storm, and several church cancellations, I am so glad for blogs! And I am working in the ER Sunday, so I will miss seeing everyone and catching up this Sunday (SuperBowl Sunday) too. But thanks to most of you, I won't miss too much. Who thought blogs up anyway? I will miss seeing Oliver the most, so I guess I will just have to make a special trip over there!

What is going on with me? Work, work work! Capital Budget was completed this week, only to begin Operational budget next week. I will be requesting a full time secretary to relieve some workload. But have I said lately that I LOVE my job? Cuz I sure do!

Oh!!! And GOOD GRIEF!!!! I have a cataract! How can this be? For one thing, cataract equals OLD!!!!! And I am not old (or am I?). My kids are already checking out nursing homes. I told them to put me in a room right next to the activity area, as I do not want to miss a thing!!

Enough rambling from me this AM.