Tuesday, June 30, 2009


One of the things we LOVE to do is eat these handmade crepes at the hotel we stay. The buffet is $20 and it is worth every penny (our husbands don't understand). These crepes are to die for!!!

Well, you know we are Women of Faith pros(or we THINK we are). I have been every year but 1 since they started in 1996. They have changed the convention center name several times in St. Louis, so when another name showed up on the instructions, I thought nothing of it. We buy are metrolink tickets and off we go to Union Station to eat and sit in the massage chairs. We left about 5:30 to walk to the Convention Center. It was so horribly hot, and we wondered where all the women were. As we arrived, Lisa tried to open the door and there was some rather grungy men at the door, and they said it was locked. We were very indignant and said oh no it isn't. They said we were at the wrong place! WELL!!!!!!!!! Being the group leader, I yanked out my paper and said no we aren't.....well, yes we were. They changed locations, and I hadn't noticed!!! The WWE (wrestling) was to be there that night! Those men offered to take us to the correct place for $10 a piece!!! We said no thanks, and caught a cab (ask Dana about that) and got there in plenty of time. It was actually the best Women of Faith ever.

Now comes my second favorite HOLIDAY of the year...JULY 4TH! I Love America Friday, Cardinal game Saturday...and Sunday? We leave for vacation with my brothers and sister.
We return on the 9th....and guess what starts THAT night?? BIG BROTHER 11!! YIPPPEE!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Our Kristin is doing GREAT! Well, she is sick to her tummy and is in some pain, but all is well. The tumor scar tissue was NOT attached to anything, including, thank goodness, her heart! We saw a picture and it was 3 inches long. It was huge for her little chest. But we are so thankful it is out, and she didn't have to go to ICU, and was talking with us this afternoon. Instead of a week or two, she will get to go home in a few days! We know who to THANK!! And thank YOU for your prayers!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Please pray for our Kristin Monday, June 22. Her surgery is at 9a, she has to be at the hospital at 5a. They are removing scar tissue from her tumor, which is around her heart. They are not sure where it has attached itself........ We know God is in control! Also pray for Clint, and Ted and Jody, her parents. Thank you

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Clint and Kristin went on an anniversary trip last week, and guess what happened to little Pancakes? All I can say is, I hope I get one of her puppies the NEXT time she does this. Isn't she cute in her little foo foo panties? And Tobi got a boy yorkie puppy, sooooooooo.........well you get the picture!
The next two weekends are going to be FABULOUS! Next weekend is Women of Faith, and then the next is I LOVE AMERICA on July 3rd, the Springfield Cardinals game July 4th, complete with more Fireworks, and then we leave July 5th for Vegas with all my siblings from Texas!!
We had a great time this weekend playing cards and laughing and working at the Concession Stand. We spent tonight at home, with Panckaes and Colby, while Clint and Kristin were at the lake with the McMurrys. Please pray for Kristin, she has major surgery Monday at 1p to remove her tumor scar tissue around her heart.

Monday, June 15, 2009

CHARLES TURNS 50!!!! Married 30!!

Regardless of his wishes, CB's 50th birthday came. Thanks to Kathy and Dana for filling the living room with shredded paper, forking our yard, and ATTEMPTING to fill his car with black balloons (he caught them doing this). Also, our Sunday School class wore black and we had breakfast (last pic).With the help of Dayla, his office staff wore black and had a potluck lunch for him. I had 2 manager friends, Katrina and Trudie, to decorate his office too! It was fun, well for me anyway. Now on to a busy summer!

Oh, today, June 16, 2009 is our 30th anniversary! And still happily married!